miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008
So this is what a faily gathering includes. My would be grand fether passed a year ago. So as the custom goes we had a mas and killed lots of animals. The pig they are cleaning ws my first swine kill. I am a veteran of the goat. We dreank moonshine and native wine and sang lots of folkloric songs. It was a good time. I can not see the pictures right now so I can not describe them. I can tell you that the cleaning method for the pig is very different here on the coast then what I saw in the mountians. In the mountians they used a blow torch. They take there pig very seriouly up there. so the first pic is of my dad giving a nature lesson on bats. If you clic on the photo you can see it better. We found it sleeping in our hand drying towel. The rest are of the prosess of makeing the food. And one of my extended family.
jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2008
One year in Country!

I Have officially been in Peru for a year. I have had to change my goals drastically over the last year, and in no way would of thought that I would be so content with what little I have done. On paper I have not done much, but I have created an enviornment for change. The poeple are ready to turn the corner. With that said I am going to tell you exactly what i have done, why and where I am hoping we go.
First: Biohuertos
I am in the prosess of constructing 11 home gardens. I am not going to recieve funding until next year so it is coming out of pocket and being thrify now. The gardens will feature a compost system and a liquid fertilizer (organic). All garden have to be in closed. They have to have some kind of protection against roaming goats, chickens, donkies. The idea is to provide a cheeper way of living while increasing nutrition. I would like thirty by the time I am done. We will see. I am working with a NGO from Spain called CIPDES. They have promised funds for next year but who knows.
The idea is when we get funding we will complete the first phase of gardens. The will put in gardens at the schools, teach the children how to cultivate at thier homes. Then will will put in green houses for the reforestation project. We are planning to reforest 1000 hectares. So it will take a carful approch to this we are in the planning stages of this.
Second: Waste Management
The district captial has a truck that collect waste, but it only serves the pueblo. The plan is to expand it to the casarios that are in route to chaparri. We will start by putting trash barrels trohu out four casarios. and then go housde to house teaching people the bennifits and how to use them. This is in corrdination with the muiniciple goverment. Once we have gotten the people accoustomed to that we will attempt recyling. I have a huge meeting for this today. I hope it is in place by december. The idea we will end up with a clean route to chaparri. So when people comne visi the reserve they wont wade through trash to get We all know it is better not to live with garbage everywhere but the obvious reasons are not always considered here.
Third:Eco tourism
This is my most successful project. My sitemate, Heather Pack and I start a club for the youth of the area. We invite speakers from Chiclayo, Universities and guides to come talk to the children. During the three month corse they recieve a buch of lectures and native plants, birds aanimals, what is tourism, sefl esteem, basci science, and touristic zones here in chongoyape. Then we also go on excirsioins to different places in the area to see them and hear experts talk. I wanted to dso this project because the guides are aging in Chaparri. They are having a difficult time recuiting new ones. It is the most sustainable and well paying job in the area, but none of the youth really want to commit to staying in Chongoyape. Well soime do but we are discovering them through the club. We started with 50 and ended with 13. I was really sauprised to see that many finish. We are revising the ciriculum for next session right now. I want to include community service projects in the next cycle.
The pictures you see hewre are from our club. The first is from our excursion to ¨La Cascada¨. I want our first sirvice project to be to better this area. The second is from our graduations. Heather is to the left and left of her is opur diustrict mayor. To the right are the secrataries of education and tourism for our district. The rest are our alumnos. The third is from Chapparri. We are sitting on a rock that was used by local shaman to give a yearly prayer for rains. The fourth isd also from Chaparri. It is my favortie part of the park to take fotos. The lkast is from when Heather´s boss, Kitty came to visit. The students where given a touristic zone and told to research and present. They did wonderful.
That is all for this blog. In the next couple look for new news on my work and fotos from my up coming trip to the Jungle.

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2008
Santo Domingo to Vice
miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2008
The endless excitement of development work
Okay first the first is the resault of the second. I told my grandma about the second story and she told me this gem of a tail. Now if you dont know my grandma is 87 can not see, walk, or think really well. She is amazing and full of life all the same.
My housekeeper told me one day that my grandma was smelling really bad. I mean really bad. My grandma told her it was probably because she wet herself. My housekeeper, Rose did not believe that was the case, but it is kind of caste like in my house so she did not say anything. The next day a chicken got satuck under my grandmother's bed. When Rosa went down to get it out the smell returned, and it had grown. She told my grandma she was smelling then same thing as the day before. After a descusion they norrowed it down to two things Rosa's upper lip or my grandmotyher's feet. So Rosa took her shoes off. The smell increase (Rosa told me later se had to leave the room and gag). On my grandmother's toe was what appeared to be a foot leg of some sort. Rosa washed her feet, and thaught it was all over. It was not. The smell was still there. So she looked in the shoe. Eureka! It was a toad carcas. The toad was in the shoe a few days before when my grandma had put them on, and as you might of guessed she killed it. I do not know what you do not feel something the size of a baseball in your shoe, but if thier is some one one the planet who would not it is my grandma. We all had a good laugh and my grandma once again explained to me was old.
So as I mentioned this was all braught on because I had told them a story. A tale of my sitemate Heather and I earlier in the day. Now to be fair I should say that Heather and I are shameless with each other. I mean literally thier is nothing that we do not talk about. NOTHING! So I had been telling here about how many mice live in my room. I am all about mice or whatever but the little (Explicative)s keep me up all night. I try to kill them and they hide in these holes they have dug in my dirt floor. My grandma told me to pour boiling water in the hole, but I told her it would stink when they died. I was quickly negated because the hole were in dirt and dead animales dont stink when they are in contact with dirt. Go figure. Let continue with the story.
Heather and I were revising a document for a eco-tourism club I I kept smeeling something just aweful. She told me she had gas and thaught that would be that. I kept smelling and she had not let any lose. She tried to convince me that they were really bad. I told her that if her insides smelled like that she needed to go to the doctor. She told me that mice were living under her bed, and it was probably that. So I started to take everything out from underneathe. No luck. So I smelled the matress. I pulled back both of her blankets and took a wiff. It was not there. So I smeelled the blaket. Bingo! Boy did it stick. She told me that her farts had been absorbed into the blanket. Now I should mention that Heather is freaked out by crickets let alone a small fast moving mammal. With the mystery solved she went to make her bed. She seperated the blankets and let lose a blood curdling srceam. She ran at me and started to hit me. All I could do was ask, "Why are you hitting me? What did I do?". She said, "Look, Look at my bed!" So I did. In her bed was a dead mouse. The best part is the mouse had been dead long engough to start to stink. Let me connect the dots. She had been sleeping with a dead mouse in her bed for a few days. Oh the magic. Hope you enjoyed. I will post some pics soon. I have a great idea for a series of black and whites.
martes, 15 de julio de 2008
He gives and takes away
So this blog will be quick. I have two super high quality stories to accompany the photos.
First the bottom pic. It is a picture of my latrine. I think you need to click on it to really appreciate the story.
My dad is a real handy man so of course he built his latrine by hand. It is really nice. Normally the latrines are made from corragated metal. Which you might imagine this close to the equator are just plain aweful. Our is made of a hole covered by wood support beems covered with a mud- concrete mix. It has adobe walls and has got great airflow.
Between us volunteers we joke around alot about are digestive tracts. We are always sick, and it is a part of every day life for us. So it manifests itself in conversation. This story is along those lines. About two weeks ago I went for my morning stop at the latrine. All seemed normal enough. As I sat down and got comfortable I experienced one of the scariest moments of my life. It needs to be mentioned that I have seen multiple scorpions in the latrine before, but this blows that level of fear out of the water.
So I was just getting comfortable when I felt the floor move. I do not mean an earth quake but the hand patched floor started to give way. I can only begin to describe to you what was going through my head, and it goes something by this. The floor is about to give way to a two meter deep hole filled with awefullness. To top that off I have my pants around my ankles and the walls look like they will fall on top of me as well. I have intergrated but if this were to happen I would not want anyone to save me.
The floor did not give out. But due to my irregular bowls I would continue to use the latrine. For another two weeks at least. Two days ago it happened. If you look closly at the foto you can see that the far side of the floor has caved in. I can say this for all of you that it takes a awlie to wake up in the morning. Being inside a collapsing latrine will get your motor going.
Now the big news. You can see in the fisrt picture one of my resident bats. I have no screens on my windows so at night the fly in and rest on my light bulb. The battle these noctural birds that have a call very similar to a monkey. We do not have electricity so at leasts it has some purpose. I have sat awake many nights listening to the squabbles thinking I wish I had electricity so that when the bats landed on the bulb it would burn thier feet and I would not have to worry about night rabies exposure. Well last saturday the elventh of July 2008 electricity came to LAs Colmenas. I can now do my work from home. I do not have to lug my 20 lbs battery 7 km to get it recharged. LIfe is good. Can you say ability to cook after 7 pm. Man this is awesome.
lunes, 14 de julio de 2008
Bullfights in Chota
The first one was really aweful. The matador was from Spain. He was supposed to be one of the best in the world. He had a hard time killing the bull. At that point I was not thrilled at all I had to watch anoth 17 bulls get treated like that. But the very next matador was from Mexico. He was increadible. He taunted and danced like no other through out the weekend. With out question he was the best matador there. But due to racism he did not win. The peruvians wanted a peruvian to win. The head judge is the acting mayor, so I imagine it would kill your carrer tpo vote for a foriegner. We did go out with the mexican guy at night. He not only was good at what he did but he was also one hell of a guy.
We were treated to the wonderful weekend by the volunteer who lives in a small town outside of Chota. He family had us over one day to kill a pig. Yes, kill a pig. The typical food of the region is fried pork skin. So her family wanted to prepare some for us. It was really nice to see a small cajamarcan town. To see the real form of life there. Her family raises guinea pigs, so they had a barn full of them. I mean hundreds of them. The food was great and her mom sent us on our way to the fights with a bag of meat. How sweet of her, right.
So the best story from the trip came on my last night. My buddy Justin and I went out to eat at a resturaunt. It was Chota so the fact that we were eating at the nicest resturant in town does not mean much. It just so happen that all of the matadors were sitting to the table to the left of us, and to our right was Grupo 5 the peruvian beetles if you will. About half way through our meal justing and I noticed something. We were getting better service and more attention that either of the afor mentions groups. We had a good laugh about it. We are very acoustomed to the racisim here but usually it is the negative type. I went to the grupo 5 concert that night and had a blast. It was one of the best shows I have been to in my life.
I got some huge news for everybody that I will put in my blog in the next couple of days. I am trying to get my pictures up but my camera is out of batteries. They will be up tomorrow.
domingo, 22 de junio de 2008
but it is hard when you are this far away. So please put her in your prayers, hopes wishes, what ever you believe in. Gracias
miércoles, 11 de junio de 2008
What part am I eating? They really have parts but if I had to say it would be the knee.

martes, 3 de junio de 2008
Now for the stories. I have a lot but you will be previed to the gems. First is about my new Aussie friends. I went to the beach one weekend and met some travelers who were trekking through the north on their way to the jungle. I invited them to stay at my house when they came up to Chaparri. They were not ready for that kind of poverty, but they took it well. In appreciation for my hospitality they brought a great bottle of Chilean wine which we drank underneath the stars. It was a perfect way to finish a day of hiking. The next morning one of the guys found a scorpion in his bag. I am not sure if it was that or the fact that I was impartial to it that really scared him. After that we took a walk to the reservoir to look for some raptors. There we ran into a family that I am friends with and they took us up a dry river bed to see a heard of llamas. We had four kids under the age of 11 with us. While we were waiting for the llamas to descend a near by hill I taught the children how to skip rocks. On our way back they told me how incredible what I was doing is. I told them that poverty has its perks, for example how happy those kids were learning to skip rocks. Stuff like that is so simple but so rewarding.
The second story is about dancing. I do not like to dance but that excuse does not fly here. People love to dance every hour of the day in all social settings. I can not get out of it if I tried. Especially because every women and their mother need to get a song in with the resident gringo. This is a picture of a birthday party. Me and my two left feet were treated to a great meal of goat, cake and humble pie. I was asked to dance by everybody. Sure no problem right. I mean everyone else is dancing and it would be rude of me not to. The catch is that when I got up to boogie down everyone sat down to watch and give me pointers. Their were a lot of suggestions.
Mother’s day is huge here. I mean gigantic. I had no idea. It is like a second Christmas. The thing is they still do all of the cooking that day while the men get smashed. It was a week long festival with different events. Heather, my site mate was recently back from the US and wanted to do something for the municipalities’ party. I was not going it to have anything to do with it. Some how with their persistence and her lack of ability to say no. I was roped into singing (acapela) and doing a sketch. We wrote the sketch and preformed both in front of five hundred people. It went over really well and we are now living immortals in town.
Life is good. My weight has stabilized. I see a new girl, and work is coming together. Hope all is well. Please keep me in touch. I am much quicker to respond to email than I am to put up blogs.