miércoles, 23 de abril de 2008

Moe the Chicken, Cuy liberation, and my new piece of heaven

So I should start by saying that I do remember that I said I would post more. This post will be worth the wait.
First story is Moe the Chicken. My nemisis for my first four months in site. Quite possibly the ugliest chick ever to inhabit this planet. Moe was a female but due to poor egg production and personality you would never know. I could never get a good photo of it because it was that type of sleezy bird. We are just starting to raise chicken in my house. I can not beggin to tell you how gross that actully is. So we grew them for two months and they started to produce eggs and offspring. All except for Moe. So now I have 16 chick that run around the house making rukus. By around the house I mean on the counters, on the stove, and they lay thier eggs underneathe the chair I eat my meals at. Moe was a lot bigger than the other chickens, and with no offspring to protect she became very aggresive. She would pick on the others. I was very vocal about my distain for the most repulsive creture on the planet. We all know that chickens when growing eventually lose thier down feathers. Well Moe did, but not on her head, so she was left with a black bowl cut, even by peruvian standards it was an aweful haircut. My grandma kept telling me we could kill her if she bothered me so much. I would respond by tellikng her that I new that we need her to produce to profit from our birds. She never did. So when my grandmothers 87th birthday rolled around her time was due. They let me do the honors, boy was it awesome. I have never had that much discust for anything. The meat was flavorful and cooked to perfection. I would of eaten it raw just to proven a point but the others saw no need for that. It ends up that when I was gutting her that she had four eggs she was to lay in the next week. Timing is everything.
For the next story I will start by say the Guinea Pig her is called cuy and I will refer to them as such. We also raise cuyes here. There are a lot of work to get at the meat but are quite delicious. I of couse being American am acustomed to having them as pets. So I adopted one as my new amigo. We would go for walks, watch sunsets and talk. He was a strong little guy and enjoyed my company. The rains have brought a plentiful crop of alfalfa and thus we are doing very well for are cuyes. It is important to mention we only raise animals to eat. When thier is no aminmal to kill we go weeks witho out eating meat. I named him Joe. I originaly had a calf that I would play my harmonica for but we moved him back to the mountians went we had gotten him to change his diet from milk to veggies. When he left I was lonley. So I took the first cuy that was born. He died in two days. I am a sucker for runts. So when I chose Joe I was a little more careful. My time with Joe was short spent. I had him for about two weeks. Then one day I was with him gardening and he split. I thought that liberation was probably the best thing for Joe. He was not like the other cuyes. Two days later I found a nine foot snake with his belly full. Timing is everything.
My last story has to due with my work. The rains have slowed everything here. So I decided to do work on my property. My dad gave me section of land to make my own. I have not included a picture because it is still under construction. I will go into further detail when it is complete (June). It is where I will do all of my thinking. The first photo is of moe the chicken, the second is a picture of my community getting lights. My house is still about three months off. You will all hear about it when it comes. I suggest clicking on the picture and checking it out. I like that no one is looking at the guy on the post. The third is of me on one of my wekly hikes, my pannts are a little big. It is kind of hard to afford new ones on my salary, it is now 45 pounds I have lost. Peru has the numberone biodiversity in the world for butterflies picture four id from my garden. The day I took the picture I counted seven different spieces with in a square meter. The last picture is of my girlfriend Deysi. She is a chemist in Lima. She is a really nicde girl and I enjoy spending time with her. She does not speak english, but we amke it work. I will try to be quicker with the next entery. How are the MAriners doing?