domingo, 22 de junio de 2008


So this will be a short one. So we just had our towns 183rd anniversery. This included a beauty pagebt, mini marathon, a talent competion, a parade, and a huge concert. The pics are from 1: international day for conservation of the enviornment. I spoke infront of all of them!! As you know public speaking does not fluster me, but this occasion was different. They asked me after I planted 11 new trees and was really dirty. This is one of the things about the culture. it is really not cool to go out in public when you are not sparkling clean. Let alone speak infront of 500 youth. I was not prepared but it went well. I got a huge applause and then ran home to take a shame shower. The second is of the new girl I would like to start dating and my gangy on a good day.The last ones are from the parade. What a parade means is that each school has a marching squad, a band, and a color gaurd. The march in unicen while the parents belittle them. But look at the pictures they are so cute. I will post another blog in a couple of minutes with just more pictures of the kids. I want to do this as a get well gift to my mom. I know she loves the pictures of the kids here. For those of you that do not know my mom had surgury last week. She is recovering well,

but it is hard when you are this far away. So please put her in your prayers, hopes wishes, what ever you believe in. Gracias

2 comentarios:

Liz dijo...

Thanks for the pictures and story and the get well wishes. I do appreciate all of them...Mom

Gillian dijo...

So are you showering regularly now? Or is it only shame that makes you shower?